Image caption
Impact: High to major
Users mainly impacted: Blind.
RGAA criteria: Criterion 1.9
HTML5 introduces the figure
and figcaption
tags that associate a caption with an image.
It is important to do this when the caption contains information about the image, such as copyright, that a blind user might misinterpret by thinking that the caption information is about the associated text.
The use of figure
and figcaption
requires certain adaptations to fill the possible lack of support by assistive technologies.
- The
tag has arole="figure"
attribute; - The
tag has aaria-label
attribute with the same content of the caption; - The caption is included in a
<figure role="group" aria-label="copyright 2016 author name">
<img alt="alternative of the image - See caption below" src="img.png"/>
copyright 2016 author name
Not mandatory but highly recommended, the “See caption below” text in the image alternative creates a semantic relationship between the image and its caption, in case the element figure
is not returned by the screen readers. The text “See caption below” is used in the caption to establish the semantic relationship.
Difference between the alternative of an image and the caption
- The image alternative makes it possible to describe what the image conveys that is not in the context;
- The caption of an image conveys additional information that the image does not convey.