Access to the main content area
Users mainly impacted: Blind, visually impaire.
RGAA criteria: Criterion 12.7
In order to facilitate the navigation for users who are blind or partially sighted, it is necessary to provide a mechanism to bypass blocks that are repeated on multiple Web pages by skipping directly to the main content of the Web page.
This quick access link must be placed at the top of the page.
This link should ideally always be visible. Obviously they are useful for users who are blind, but also for users with visually impairment who use a screen magnifier and also a mouse.
If it is not visible, it must be displayed when the focus is taken. Do not use CSS properties that make them inactive such as :
display: none;
.visibility: hidden;
and *height
with the value to0
.font-size: 0;
HTML 5 attribute.aria-hidden="true"