Main contents identified

Users mainly impacted: Blind, visually impaired.

RGAA criteria: Criterion 12.6


Users of technical assistance such as screen reader have the ability to navigate from one area to another when the content areas are well defined.

  • The header area of the page has an ARIA banner role.
  • The main navigation menu has an ARIA navigation role.
  • The main content area has an ARIA main role.
  • The footer area has an ARIA contentinfo role.
  • The search engine on the site has an ARIA search role.
  • The ARIA banner, main, contentinfo and search roles are unique in the page.
  • The ARIA navigation role is reserved for the main and secondary navigation areas.

This is information about the website or legal information. It includes, for example, legal notices, credits, terms of use, site map and possibly the accessibility page.


Be careful not to confuse this footer area, unique in the site, with any content that can be tagged in HTML5 with the footer element.